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Fertan Tapox is a 2K tank sealer specifically designed to provide a fuel tank with coating to prevent rusting. After de-rusting your fuel tank with Fedox, apply this Tapox sealer to prevent your fuel tank from rusting again. This Tapox tank sealer comes in a 2K set of 285ml (+160ml hardener), enough for a gasoline tank of about 35-40 liters.
- Fuel resistant
- Resistant to ethanol
- Rust resistant
- Temperature resistant to 80 °C
- Extremely strong
- Suitable for all types of fuel tanks (e.g. Motorcycle, car, boat, ship, fuel oil tank, industrial tank).
Pre-treatment with FeDOX is only necessary if there is severe corrosion in the tank. This product removes rust on the bare metal. Add 10% of the total volume of FeDOX to the tank and fill the remaining volume with approx. 60 °C hot water. The reaction time is shortened by adding this hot water. The mixing ratio can also be reduced depending on the corrosion (recommended mixing ratio is 1 part FeDOX + 9 parts water). Allow this mixture to react for at least 12 hours.
After the reaction time, drain the tank completely and rinse it several times very thoroughly with clean water. If there is still corrosion in the tank, the drained FeDOX mixture can be used again for a second treatment.
Rust removal + corrosion protection Fertan rust converter
Close all openings. Check in advance (e.g. with water) that all openings are closed to prevent contamination / discoloration from leaking material. In the next step you can place the supplied FERTAN rust converter in the still wet tank. Turn and shake the tank to completely wet the entire inner surface. Once the inner surface of the tank is completely covered with the rust converter, the excess liquid can be poured into a collection container. The collected material cannot be reused and must be discarded. (Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for disposal instructions.) Allow the product to react for a minimum of 24 hours at 20°C. After the reaction time, rinse the tank thoroughly with water until no particles are visible in the rinse water. If necessary, check the rinse water for residues with a white coffee filter. This process achieves complete and material-friendly rust removal and prevents the removal of sound metal. (Mechanical de-rusting also removes healthy material.)
Coating the inside of the tank with 2-K tank coating
In the next steps, the tank is sealed with Tapox, a fuel-resistant 2-component epoxy coating.
Preparation for the Tapox coating:
Open the can of TAPOX (component 1) and stir the resin into a homogeneous mass. Then open the TX 10 can (component 2) and pour the contents completely into the TAPOX can. Then mix both products into a lump-free liquid with a low viscosity. (A cordless drill with a stirring attachment is very useful for this. Both components can be mixed in the original TAPOX can.
Applying the Tapox coating:
In the first step, all remaining openings must be closed. The fuel-resistant 2-component coating is then placed in the rust-free, dry tank. If you also want to use the original tank cap to close it, place a sturdy plastic film underneath to prevent contamination or clogging of the tank vent. TIP: There are universal tank caps available that can be discarded after coating. Now carefully cover the inside of the tank with the product by twisting and shaking. Then carefully remove the filler cap and the drain hole/fuel tap and drain the excess product into the original TAPOX canister. Immediately wipe off any splashes on the outside with Nitro or universal thinner and do not let it dry.
Post-treatment of the Tapox coating:
The coating is a 2-K epoxy resin. Therefore, a lot of oxygen is needed to ensure complete and proper curing.
Since the oxygen in a tank is insufficient, the tank should be aerated immediately after use. Before applying the coating, check that the intended ventilation is sufficient. The coating should be ventilated for about 5 hours. Then you can separate the ventilation from the tank and allow the coating to cure completely for 72 hours. Do not move the tank during the first few hours of curing. In case of very high temperatures or very high humidity, increase the ventilation by approx. 50%.
WARNING!!! Do not use electrical devices (e.g. A hot air blower) to supply air, because the escaping solvent can form an explosive mixture. No open flame, no smoking! Ensure good ventilation at the workplace. (For example, use a compressor with a corresponding pressure regulator)
Test the result
When the tank coating is finished with Tapox, the following procedure can be used to check whether it is fully cured. Add about 50-100 ml of fuel or thinner to the tank and turn the tank. After about 10 minutes, you can drain the liquid. If there is now a reddish discoloration of the liquid, full hardening has not yet occurred.
If the liquid is as clear as when it was filled, full hardening can be assumed.
- Fuel resistant
- Resistant to ethanol
- Rust resistant
- Temperature resistant to 80 °C
- Extremely strong
- Suitable for all types of fuel tanks (e.g. Motorcycle, car, boat, ship, fuel oil tank, industrial tank).
Pre-treatment with FeDOX is only necessary if there is severe corrosion in the tank. This product removes rust on the bare metal. Add 10% of the total volume of FeDOX to the tank and fill the remaining volume with approx. 60 °C hot water. The reaction time is shortened by adding this hot water. The mixing ratio can also be reduced depending on the corrosion (recommended mixing ratio is 1 part FeDOX + 9 parts water). Allow this mixture to react for at least 12 hours.
After the reaction time, drain the tank completely and rinse it several times very thoroughly with clean water. If there is still corrosion in the tank, the drained FeDOX mixture can be used again for a second treatment.
Rust removal + corrosion protection Fertan rust converter
Close all openings. Check in advance (e.g. with water) that all openings are closed to prevent contamination / discoloration from leaking material. In the next step you can place the supplied FERTAN rust converter in the still wet tank. Turn and shake the tank to completely wet the entire inner surface. Once the inner surface of the tank is completely covered with the rust converter, the excess liquid can be poured into a collection container. The collected material cannot be reused and must be discarded. (Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for disposal instructions.) Allow the product to react for a minimum of 24 hours at 20°C. After the reaction time, rinse the tank thoroughly with water until no particles are visible in the rinse water. If necessary, check the rinse water for residues with a white coffee filter. This process achieves complete and material-friendly rust removal and prevents the removal of sound metal. (Mechanical de-rusting also removes healthy material.)
Coating the inside of the tank with 2-K tank coating
In the next steps, the tank is sealed with Tapox, a fuel-resistant 2-component epoxy coating.
Preparation for the Tapox coating:
Open the can of TAPOX (component 1) and stir the resin into a homogeneous mass. Then open the TX 10 can (component 2) and pour the contents completely into the TAPOX can. Then mix both products into a lump-free liquid with a low viscosity. (A cordless drill with a stirring attachment is very useful for this. Both components can be mixed in the original TAPOX can.
Applying the Tapox coating:
In the first step, all remaining openings must be closed. The fuel-resistant 2-component coating is then placed in the rust-free, dry tank. If you also want to use the original tank cap to close it, place a sturdy plastic film underneath to prevent contamination or clogging of the tank vent. TIP: There are universal tank caps available that can be discarded after coating. Now carefully cover the inside of the tank with the product by twisting and shaking. Then carefully remove the filler cap and the drain hole/fuel tap and drain the excess product into the original TAPOX canister. Immediately wipe off any splashes on the outside with Nitro or universal thinner and do not let it dry.
Post-treatment of the Tapox coating:
The coating is a 2-K epoxy resin. Therefore, a lot of oxygen is needed to ensure complete and proper curing.
Since the oxygen in a tank is insufficient, the tank should be aerated immediately after use. Before applying the coating, check that the intended ventilation is sufficient. The coating should be ventilated for about 5 hours. Then you can separate the ventilation from the tank and allow the coating to cure completely for 72 hours. Do not move the tank during the first few hours of curing. In case of very high temperatures or very high humidity, increase the ventilation by approx. 50%.
WARNING!!! Do not use electrical devices (e.g. A hot air blower) to supply air, because the escaping solvent can form an explosive mixture. No open flame, no smoking! Ensure good ventilation at the workplace. (For example, use a compressor with a corresponding pressure regulator)
Test the result
When the tank coating is finished with Tapox, the following procedure can be used to check whether it is fully cured. Add about 50-100 ml of fuel or thinner to the tank and turn the tank. After about 10 minutes, you can drain the liquid. If there is now a reddish discoloration of the liquid, full hardening has not yet occurred.
If the liquid is as clear as when it was filled, full hardening can be assumed.